"Original pictures cannot be created by the slavish following of classical precedent, but must be discovered by trial and error..."
William Charles Penn, 1877 - 1968, Liverpool School of Art

I consider myself primarily a landscape photographer. Almost all my work is made outdoors and I am equally happy working in our wilder places; in the mountains or on the coast, as I am in cities and other built environments. As a general rule I enjoy finding creative or stylised ways of portraying what I see, rather than making literal representations.
Having grown up in Fife in Scotland, then spent many years in London, I now live on the Wirral peninsula in north west England. I am an active member of the Royal Photographic Society (RPS) and was a founder member of the society's specialist landscape group. In 2021 I was awarded the Fenton Medal and honorary life membership for "outstanding contribution to the work of the society". In 2022 I was awarded the prestigious Fellowship of the RPS, the society's highest distinction.
I also teach photography to individuals and groups, run workshops, exhibit my work from time to time and I give talks about it to clubs and societies. Click here for more information.
Recently, as an additional creative outlet, I have embarked on learning to paint and decided to create a record of my progress by photographing everything I produce and featuring it on this page. I am very much a beginner and so my work is here more to amuse than to impress!
As well as being a photographer, I am an active environmentalist. If you too are concerned about humanity's impact on our environment, you might be interested in this initiative for photographers: https://www.uplus2.org
Having grown up in Fife in Scotland, then spent many years in London, I now live on the Wirral peninsula in north west England. I am an active member of the Royal Photographic Society (RPS) and was a founder member of the society's specialist landscape group. In 2021 I was awarded the Fenton Medal and honorary life membership for "outstanding contribution to the work of the society". In 2022 I was awarded the prestigious Fellowship of the RPS, the society's highest distinction.
I also teach photography to individuals and groups, run workshops, exhibit my work from time to time and I give talks about it to clubs and societies. Click here for more information.
Recently, as an additional creative outlet, I have embarked on learning to paint and decided to create a record of my progress by photographing everything I produce and featuring it on this page. I am very much a beginner and so my work is here more to amuse than to impress!
As well as being a photographer, I am an active environmentalist. If you too are concerned about humanity's impact on our environment, you might be interested in this initiative for photographers: https://www.uplus2.org