Workshop description
This will be a two-part workshop featuring an on-location photography element and an online processing element.
Learn how to create impressionist images of dinghy sailing using in-camera capture techniques and then simple Lightroom and Photoshop processing to produce beautiful ethereal results.
The workshop will take place at a marine lake during an international sailing competition, so ensuring that there will be lots of action on the lake. It will be led by Mark Reeves FRPS and will comprise two parts;
- A 3-hour hands-on workshop
- A follow-up 3-hour zoom session for image review and image processing tuition.
- A 3-hour hands-on workshop
- A follow-up 3-hour zoom session for image review and image processing tuition.
The hands-on part of the workshop will take place during the Wilson Trophy, an international dinghy sailing event that takes place annually on the Wirral, a short train ride from Liverpool. There will be an initial briefing over coffee covering capture techniques including camera settings, exposure times, use of filters, lighting considerations, types of camera movement, use of multiple exposures etc. We will then go to photograph the action from different vantage points, responding to the weather conditions on the day.
At the same time the following week participants will come together again with Mark on zoom. Participants will be invited to share and discuss some of their favourite images from the on-location part of the workshop and then Mark will edit one image from each participant, using Lightroom Classic and Photoshop to take images from RAW files to finished output.
To get the best from this event you should bring:
- camera with fully charged spare batteries (you may go through several!)
- memory card with capacity for at least 500 images (and ideally a spare too)
- a range of neutral density filters (ideally 3, 6 and 10 stop)
- polarising filter
- clothing suitable for the weather; it is usually breezy in West Kirby!
- camera with fully charged spare batteries (you may go through several!)
- memory card with capacity for at least 500 images (and ideally a spare too)
- a range of neutral density filters (ideally 3, 6 and 10 stop)
- polarising filter
- clothing suitable for the weather; it is usually breezy in West Kirby!
All the shooting will take place from paved surfaces which are easily accessible to people with limited mobility.
Joining instructions will be sent a few days in advance of the workshop.
Time and Place
Saturday 3rd or Sunday 4th May, 10:00 - 13:00 (photography)
Saturday 17th or Sunday 18th May 10:00 - 13:00 (processing via Zoom)
£50 per person. Min 4 people, max 8 people.
Booking Terms
If I need to cancel this workshop for any reason (e.g. extreme weather) you will receive a full refund.
If you wish to cancel after you have booked, you will receive a refund as follows:
More than two weeks before the workshop start: full refund less £5 administration fee.
- Later than two weeks before the workshop; no refund unless I am able to resell your ticket.
- Later than two weeks before the workshop; no refund unless I am able to resell your ticket.
You are welcome to give your place to somebody else but you must notify me of this in advance.
The on-location element of this workshop will take place in a coastal environment which always carries risks from tides and extreme weather. My role is to help you with your photography. You will be responsible for your own health and safety.
By booking a place on this workshop you acknowledge acceptance of these terms.